2 Cans Refried Beans (16 oz each)
1 Package Taco Seasoning (1 1/4 oz), (Taco TVP)*
1/2 Cup Dehydrated Chopped Onion*
2 Cup Freeze Dried Shredded Monterey Jack Cheese*
Tabasco Sauce to taste
Chopped Jalapeno or Chilies to taste
*Reconstitute before using.
Follow directions on #10 can to reconstitute.
Preparation 1. Place refried beans, taco seasoning, onion, cheese, and tabasco sauce in the crockpot; Stir well.
2. Stir in chopped chilies.
3. Cover and cook on low until cheese is melted (about 1 hour).
4. Add a little water if mixture seems too thick.
5. Serve from the crockpot with french bread, crackers, or chips.
-Makes 4 cups.